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Worker with Ladder

Almost Open

buildfund is an alternative investment property platform funded by a growing community of shareholders.

We are on a mission to show people that property investment and portfolio growth is achievable and attainable. We are evidence of what can be built when people come together to form a like minded investment community.


Invest Together

Every penny invested enables the fund to grow. Your investment is used directly to develop and acquire more properties.


We are building income and wealth for you and the wider shareholders.  

Together, we are actively developing and acquiring a high quality, purpose built, energy efficient and smart build to rent portfolio.


We have a target to build the platform to in excess of 10,000 homes over the next 10 years.

Urban Graffiti

BuildFund is transparent, your funds are invested into the bricks & mortar of physical UK rental properties.


On the platform, the performance, financial & management information for every property is openly accessible to every member.


Returns to investors are directly from the rental income of the properties we own with long term growth provided via capital appreciation.

Your money is turned into physical assets where you can see you investment at work. Your investment is used to create places to live, work and socialise. See your money at work as people live and thrive in the homes and communities that we build. 

This isn't a faceless fund, this isn't big business. This is bespoke and boutique investment for the masses. This is about taking back control for a generation who may never become home owners but who can become property investors.

Our Services



Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.



Describe your service here. What makes it great? Use short catchy text to tell people what you offer, and the benefits they will receive. A great description gets readers in the mood, and makes them more likely to go ahead and book.

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